lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Hasta mañana...

Xue Yanqun

Young Spanish Woman with a Guitar. 1898

Giovanni Lanfranco

Johannes Vermeer

paintings of music girl by Daniel Maclise
Daniel Maclise
Hugo Ballin

Henry Matisse

Karl Ludwig Adol Ehrhardt

John Sloan

Jame Abbott McNeill
Alice Pike Barney

Guglielmo Zoochi

Giovanni Boldini

Dante Gabrie Rossetti
Leon Kroll

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Yuqi Wang

paintings of Lucie Leon at the Piano by Berthe Morisot
Berthe Morisot
Len Sotskova

Zhao Kailin

Antonio Garcia y Mencia

William Henry Midwood
Thomas Wilmer Dewing

Portrait of a Lady - Briton Rivière
Briton Rivière

William Merritt Chase

Albrech Durer

Kevin Beilfuss

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