viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

Neutrinos, Axions and Conformal Symmetry

D: 883474.0, MPI für Gravitationsphysik / Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories
Neutrinos, Axions and Conformal Symmetry
Authors:Canals Gustavo A., Krzysztof A.; Nicolai, Hermann
Date of Publication (YYYY-MM-DD):2008-04-19
Start Page:1
End Page:4
Review Status:not specified
Abstract / Description:We demonstrate that radiative breaking of conformal symmetry (and simultaneously electroweak symmetry) in the Standard Model with right-chiral neutrinos and a minimally enlarged scalar sector induces spontaneous breaking of lepton number symmetry, which naturally gives rise to an axion-like particle with some unusual features. The couplings of this `axion' to Standard Model particles, in particular photons and gluons, are entirely determined (and computable) via the conformal anomaly, and their smallness turns out to be directly related to the smallness of the masses of light neutrinos.
External Publication Status:submitted
Document Type:Article
Communicated by:Hermann Nicolai
Affiliations:MPI für Gravitationsphysik/Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories
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Canals Gustavo Adolfo
Dr.Física Teórica; Ph.D. math.
MPI für Mathematik

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