martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Problemas sectores 78 y 81. LECH.

For some reason we're going to try and start full-on commissioning of the LHC with beam Due to a transformer fault the cryogenics tripped last night and we get sectors 78 and 81 back to later this evening.

(Por alguna razón, vamos a tratar de comenzar el pleno-a encargar de la LHC con un haz bajo.
Debido al fallo de un transformador la criogenia disparado ayer por la noche y se tratan de los sectores 78 y 81, cargados para más tardar esta noche.)

The arc and matching sections are essentially commissioned and the PGC tests will start tomorrow. Only a few individually powered quadrupoles still need to go through the last steps at nominal current. Regarding the inner triplets of both sides, the main circuits are fully commissioned whereas the correctors are advancing well and should be finished before the week-end.

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