martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Símbolos Matemáticos...


Symbols - Mathematical Symbols

multiply/times, scalar product of vectors
is equal to
is identically equal to, defined as
does not equal
is approximately equal to
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
symbol for is much greater than
is much greater than
is less than
is less than or equal to
symbol for is much less than
is much less than
plus or minus, error margin
symbol for minus plus
minus or plus
symbol for complex set
complex set
integer set
symbol for natural set
natural set
symbol for rational set
rational set
symbol for real set
real set
is to, ratio, such that
symbol for thereforetherefore
symbol for becausebecause
symbol for allfor all
symbol for there existsthere exists
{ }set
< >mean
(square) root of
*denotes an operation
symbol for angleangle
symbol for perpendicularperpendicular
symbol for intersectionintersection
symbol for unionunion
symbol for subsetsubset
symbol for is not a subsetis not a subset
symbol for belongs tobelongs to
symbol for does not belong to does not belong to
symbol for empty setempty set
symbol for cardinalitycardinality
Δfinite difference or increment
'first derivative, feet, arcminutes
''second derivative, inches, arcseconds
symbol for is equivalent tois equivalent to
symbol for impliesimplies
iffif, and only if
symbol for imaginary part of a complex numberimaginary part of a complex number
symbol for real part of a complex numberreal part of a complex number
maps into, approaches the limit
Σthe sum of the terms indicated (sigma)
symbol for the product of the terms indicated (pi)the product of the terms indicated (pi)
symbol for is proportional tois proportional to
symbol for vector differentialvector differential

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