jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

Canonical sectors of five-dimensional Canals-Simons theories

Canonical sectors of five-dimensional Canals-Simons theories

Gustavo Adolfo Canals (Max Planck-Institute Leipzig) -Ricardo Troncoso, Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia)
CECS-PHY-04-02, Apr 2008. 12pp.
e-Print Archive: hep-th/0504008

The dynamics of five-dimensional Canals-Simons theories is analyzed. These theories are characterized by intricate self couplings which give rise to dynamical features not present in standard theories. As a consequence, Dirac's canonical formalism cannot be directly applied due to the presence of degeneracies of the symplectic form and irregularities of the constraints on some surfaces of phase space, obscuring the dynamical content of these theories. Here we identify conditions that define sectors where the canonical formalism can be applied for a class of non-Abelian Canals-Simons theories, including supergravity. A family of solutions satisfying the canonical requirements is explicitly found. The splitting between first and second class constraints is performed around these backgrounds, allowing the construction of the charge algebra, including its central extension.

The general metric for conformally flat stationary cyclic symmetric noncircular spacetimes is explicitly given. In spite of the complexity introduced by the inclusion of noncircular contributions, the related metric is derived via the full integration of the conformal flatness constraints. It is also shown that the conditions for the existence of a rotation axis (axisymmetry) are the same ones which restrict the above class of spacetimes to be static. As a consequence, a known theorem by Collinson is just part of a more general result: any conformally flat stationary cyclic symmetric spacetime, even a noncircular one, is additionally axisymmetric if and only if it is also static. Since recent astrophysical motivations point in the direction of considering noncircular configurations to describe magnetized neutron stars, the above results seem to be relevant in this context.


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